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Alyssa Rouse

On the Scales

Project One Obesity

Obesity rates among children and adults are growing at a rapid pace. This condition affects individuals of all ages, races, and socio-economic statuses. According to statistics for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention roughly 93.3 million adults (39.8 percent) and 13.7 million children and teens (18.5 percent) in the United States are obese (“Overweight & Obesity” 1). There are many factors that contribute to obesity such as diet, physical activity, and health conditions. Obesity causes a large number of problems that greatly affect the individual’s lifestyle (“Obesity” 1”). As the number of obesity cases rises, the need for educating people on the importance of eating healthy and staying active becomes more important. Since obesity affects both children and adults it is very important to educate children young on the importance of a healthy lifestyle so you can prevent them from becoming obese. Although obesity is a serious issue for many people, there are many steps people can take to prevent obesity and reduce this social epidemic.  Maintaining a healthy weight and active lifestyle will help you to live a happy and healthier life.

Over the last few years, there has been a major increase in obesity rates. “The researchers found that over the past 33 years, worldwide overweight and obesity rates among adults have increased by 27.5%, while such rates among children and adolescents have increased by 47.1%” (“Whiteman” 1). Overweight and obesity are defined as “abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese. The issue has grown to epidemic proportions, with over 4 million people dying each year as a result of being overweight or obese in 2017 according to the global burden of disease” (“Obesity” 1).  As obesity rates in the United States continue to climb more ways to prevent and control obesity are needed. Some of the ways we can do this are by teaching children young about healthy eating habits, having a healthy diet and lifestyle, and staying active.

One way to prevent obesity from ever happening is to teach children healthy eating habits from a young age. If children are taught healthy eating habits and proper portions from a young age this could prevent the child from becoming obese in adulthood (“How to Prevent Obesity in Kids and Adults” 1). According to, “healthy eating can help prevent many chronic diseases. These include obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. Healthy eating habits are more likely to stay with you if you learn them as a child. That’s why it’s important that you teach your children good habits now” (“Nutrition Tips for Kids” 1). There are many ways to educate children on healthy eating and how to have a healthy lifestyle, be an example of what proper nutrition looks like for the child, don’t force children to eat when they are not hungry, expose them to many different foods, and show them that everything is okay to have in moderation (How to Prevent Obesity in Kids and Adults” 1). It is also important to encourage children to be physically active. There are many ways to be physically active such as bike rides, swimming, or going for a walk. It is important for children to understand that exercise can be fun and enjoyable (“Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight” 1).

One of the most important ways to maintain a healthy weight and avoid obesity is to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Eating a balanced diet not only helps you maintain a healthy weight, but it also makes you feel better and gives you more energy. The food you eat and the number of calories you consume play a huge part in your weight (“How Many Calories Should You Eat Per Day to Lose Weight?” 1). If you are trying to maintain a healthy weight or lose weight you should eat fruits, vegetables, protein, and whole grains, and drink lots of water (“Obesity” 1). It is also very important to eat the correct portions of food. According to Healthline, “Your recommended calorie intake depends on various factors, like age and activity level. Most women need 1,600–2,400 daily calories to maintain their weight. Most men need 2,000–3,000 calories. Eating fewer can lead to weight loss” (“How Many Calories Should You Eat Per Day to Lose Weight?” 1). Maintaining the recommended amount of calories can be difficult, especially with busy schedules and so many fast-food options but it can be done. Most restaurants and fast-food places offer a menu that provides you with all the nutritional information and several places offer many healthy menu options.

Another important factor in maintaining a healthy weight is staying active. Living an active lifestyle plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy weight, losing weight, and benefits your overall health (“Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight” 1). There are many different ways for you to stay active and if you find something you enjoy doing it can make exercise easier and more enjoyable. Many people join gyms because they offer many different options such as free weights, machines, and workout classes. Although the gym is a good option there are many other ways to stay active such as hiking, swimming, riding a bike, or playing a sport (“Obesity” 1).  In order to live an active lifestyle, you do not have to do organized workouts, it just means you have to stay physically active and keep your body moving (“Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight” 1). Exercise or physical activity can also be done with a friend or workout partner, and this helps because you can encourage each other and push each other to keep going. It also helps because you have someone to help keep you accountable for continuing to exercise. In order to control your weight, you have to stay committed to eating healthy and working out.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “To maintain your weight: Work your way up to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or an equivalent mix of the two each week.”, (“Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight” 1). If you eat healthy and stay physically active, you will not only benefit your weight but also you will improve your overall health. Staying active will help with things such as keeping your heart healthy and keeping your bones strong (“Overweight & Obesity” 1). Staying physically active will also help your mental status (“Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight” 1). It is very important for you to stay moving and do activities that you enjoy in order to live a healthy lifestyle.

Obesity has affected many people’s lives. According to Healthline, “Over the last few decades, obesity has become a considerable health problem. In fact, it’s now considered to be an epidemic in the United States”. (“How to Prevent Obesity in Kids and Adults” 1). Although obesity affects the lives of many people, it can and should be managed. Obesity causes many problems related to your health, mental status, and physical limits (“Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight” 1). In order to live a healthy life and manage your weight you should eat a well-balanced diet and stay physically active.


Works Cited


Ajmera, Racheal, MS, RD. “How Many Calories Should You Eat Per Day to Lose Weight?”        Healthline, December 3, 2021

Dixon, John B. Molecular and cellular endocrinology “The effect of obesity on health outcomes."  316.2 (2010): 104-108.

James, Philip T., et al. "The worldwide obesity epidemic." Obesity research 9.S11 (2001): 228S-233S.

Lockett, Eleesha. “How to Prevent Obesity in Kids and Adults” Healthline

Moores, Danielle. “Obesity” Healthline, July 31, 2020

North American Association for the Study of Obesity, “The practical guide: identification, evaluation, and treatment of overweight and obesity in adults” National Institutes of Health, October 2000.

“Obesity” World Health Organization

“Overweight & Obesity” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 27,2022

“Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 16, 2022

Whiteman, Honor. “Worldwide obesity rates see 'startling' increase over past 3 decades” Medical News Today, January 19, 2022.


Project Two: Franz Kafka and Obesity


Franz Kafka was a short story writer and novelist of the 20th century. He became famous for his work which was portrayed as strange and absurd. According to the National Library of Medicine, many people even found his work to be hard to follow and relate to because it was so absurd (“Franz Kafka” 1). Kafka’s personality and strong beliefs played a huge role in his style of work. Kafka's personality was perceived as him being isolated, depressed, intelligent, creative, and a man that had lived a very difficult life (“Franz Kafka” 1). Kafka was somebody who struggled with self-image, and he was never happy with himself. Considering how he was known to be very hard on himself and very obedient, Kafka would have agreed that obesity is a social epidemic.

Franz Kafka’s strong beliefs and absurd thoughts would certainly make him very opinionated about people living an unhealthy lifestyle and becoming overweight or obese. Overweight and obesity are defined as “abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese” (“Obesity” 1). Obesity has affected many people’s lives. According to Healthline, “Over the last few decades, obesity has become a considerable health problem. In fact, it’s now considered to be an epidemic in the United States”. (“How to Prevent Obesity in Kids and Adults” 1). Although obesity affects the lives of many people, it can and should be managed. Obesity causes many problems related to your health, mental status, and physical limits (“Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight” 1). Considering Kafka was known to be very hard on himself and very obedient, he would probably believe that obesity could be managed and controlled by the persons choices and lifestyle. In an article called The Politics of Kafka, “Kafka envisioned a possible world that human beings would construct in which the actions of man depend on nothing but himself and his spontaneity, and in which human society is governed by laws prescribed by man himself rather than by mysterious forces, whether they be interpreted as emanating from above or from below” (Wagner). In the quote, Kafka states that a man’s action depend on nothing but himself, so he would probably believe that obesity could and should be controlled by a person’s choices such as managing calorie intake, exercising, and choosing healthy food options.

Franz Kafka was known for his work being very complex, difficult to understand and hard to relate to, and even absurd (“Franz Kafka” 1). One of Kafka’s best-known works is called The Metamorphosis and was published in 1915. The Metamorphosis is an absurd story about a man named Gregor Samsa who wakes up one day and has been transformed into a gigantic insect. He was no longer accepted by his family, and he was feared by many people because of his new appearance. Gregor also struggles to accept himself after this shocking transformation.  Gregor eventually finds himself avoiding people and gives up on life and dies. A very important message in The Metamorphosis is the feelings of isolation a person deals with if they are not happy with themselves. In this story Gregor was unhappy with his physical appearance and couldn’t relate or understand what was going on within himself. In the story Gregor says “I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself” (“Kafka” 1). The feelings that Gregor was having throughout the story are probably similar to how somebody with obesity feels. Somebody living with obesity could feel as if they are changing in a negative way. They might begin to feel embarrassed of how they look and might start isolating themselves from their family and friends. Just like in The Metamorphosis somebody living with obesity can struggle to accept the changes in the way they look which can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and hopelessness. The message that Kafka sends in The Metamorphopsias is very similar to how somebody could feel if they were living with obesity.

Franz Kafka was also well known for his diaries that he wrote in from 1910-1923 (“The Diaries of Franz Kafka” 1). The diaries consist of Kafka’s daily life, reflections, observations and even some of his dreams(1). Many of his diary entries especially near the end of his life were very sad and you could tell he was beginning to give up on life. Kafka was living with tuberculosis which meant he had to make many adjustments and overcome many struggles. Kafka eventually died due to the tuberculosis because his throat hurt so bad, he was unable to eat or drink, causing him to die from starvation (“Franz Kafka, the Ultimate Self-Doubting Writer” 1). Throughout his diary you could see through his writing he was hurting and becoming hopeless. On July 1, 1914, Kafka wrote “Too tired.” and on September 22, 1917, he only wrote “Nothing” (1). Kafka was dealing with an illness and having to make adjustments just as somebody who is living with obesity. If someone is living with obesity, they may face many challenges and health complications just as Kafka did. Obesity differs from tuberculosis because if you are obese there are ways you can manage or even loose weight. Whereas tuberculosis in the early 1900’s was a complicated disease and there was not a cure. (1)

Franz Kafka would probably agree that obesity has become a social epidemic. Throughout his work and diaries, you can see that Kafka was very depressed, hopeless and isolated at times. His work was also very absurd and usually had a deep meaning. Although Kafka seemed hopeless some of the time, he also felt that a man is responsible his own actions. Knowing Kafka’s beliefs, he would probably feel like obesity is an epidemic that could be solved if people took control and managed their lifestyle. There are many things you can do to reduce your chances of obesity such as eating a healthy diet and living an active lifestyle. Although obesity is a serious issue for many people, there are many steps people can take to prevent obesity and reduce this social epidemic. 





Works Cited


Kafka, Franz. “The Diaries of Franz Kafka”. Schocken, 2023.


Kafka, Franz. “The metamorphosis”. Modern Library, 2013.


Lockett, Eleesha. “How to Prevent Obesity in Kids and Adults” Healthline


National Library of Medicine “Franz Kafka” (1883-1924), Oct 2005,at%20just%2041%20years%20old.


New World Encyclopedia “Franz Kafka” May 8, 2017


“Obesity” World Health Organization


“Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 16, 2022


Sherman, John. “Franz Kafka, the Ultimate Self-Doubting Writer” Literary Hub. June 2, 2017



Wagner, Martin. “The Politics of Kafka” HAC Bard. 11-22-2015,from%20above%20or%20from%20below

Measuring Waist

Reflective Essay

While taking English 1302 I learned a lot about the process of writing a paper. Many times, throughout the course the process felt challenging, but with the help of the lectures and the examples I was able to navigate and get a good understand of the process. I also found the assignment guideline sheet to be very helpful, it helped me organize and layout how I wanted to present my ideas.

            I think I learned the most about writing a paper while writing my argument proposal essay. I wrote my argumentative proposal essay on Obesity and really enjoyed and learned a lot about the subject. I was really overwhelmed at the beginning of the project. The majority of my time on this project was spent researching and finding reliable sources on obesity. After lots of research I found that is it is very important to be educated on your topic before starting your paper. I also found it to be very important to have a good introduction and more importantly a good thesis statement. After the introduction, the body paragraphs began to flow because I was just stating my points and proving them with reliable sources.

            The writing assignments helped me refine and master my skills because all the papers we did were in MLA format. Since we wrote every paper the same way I began to get familiar with the format. I really struggled with the works cited page because there is such a variety of sources such as websites, books, and interviews. What I found to be the most helpful throughout the whole class was the feedback and corrections. I learned a lot from being able to read over my corrections and going back and making the changes.

            Overall, I really enjoyed and learned a lot in this class. This class really helped prepare me to write a paper, I have used what I have learned in this class several times in my other classes. I have had to write several other papers and I always feel prepared and confident.  

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